
Vladimir Lenin: A New Look at the Most Controversial Russian Leader

The road to hell is paved with good intentions (a proverb) The most effective revolutionary politician of the XXth century, the founder of the Soviet state , Vladimir Lenin is still not well understood because of the rigidly narrow images of him that became permanently associated with his state persona. Lenin as a

Vladimir Lenin: A New Look at the Most Controversial Russian Leader2020-03-23T17:26:51+04:00

How Aquarius makes Virgo industrious

As we advance in our astrological education we tend to underestimate some basic concepts. The one I'd like to mention here refers to signs/houses analogy and correlation, which alone can provide several quite meaningful approaches and techniques. Among them what we know as solar chart or signs/houses superposition in the certain order determined

How Aquarius makes Virgo industrious2020-03-23T16:46:32+04:00

О себе

Почти 40 лет изучаю астрологию, более трети века консультирую клиентов. Пишу статьи для астрологических журналов различных стран. Выступаю с докладами на международных конференциях. Являюсь членом международной ассоциации NCGR. Имею сертификат NCGR третьего (высшего) уровня. Интересуюсь антропологией, астрономией, психологией, социологией.